Jason Goldstick, PhD

Co-Investigator, University of Michigan Coordinating Center

Research Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine / Co-Director, Data & Methods Core, Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention / Director, Statistics and Methods Section, Injury Prevention Center, University of Michigan


Dr. Jason Goldstick is a Co-Investigator for the University of Michigan Coordinating Center and a member of the Data and Methods Core where he leads on statistics and methods for the Community Firearm Violence Prevention Network. Dr. Goldstick focuses on the analytic implications of the core’s activities, and provides data analysis support and technical assistance to the research projects.

Dr. Jason Goldstick is both the Director of Statistics and Methods of both the CDC-funded University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center (UMIPC) and the University of Michigan Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention (IFIP), and a Research Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan. A statistician by training, Dr. Goldstick an expert in longitudinal and spatial data analysis, especially as applied to public health research, and has led several data analysis studies of substance use and injury/violence, with years of experience in statistical consulting. Regarding firearm violence as a content area, Dr. Goldstick has published twenty papers specifically about firearm violence, including ten as first or last author, and several more about violence broadly. In particular, he has applied machine learning methods similar to the ones Dr. Hicks proposes to learn more about in this project, to derive the SaFETy score—a clinical screening tool for future firearm violence risk among adolescents and young adults. The R01 study he directs (R01CE003294) focuses on applying a variety of machine learning methods to validate and improve the SaFETy score in samples from Philadelphia, Seattle, and Flint. He is also Co-I and statistician on seven other federally funded studies directly related to firearm violence and works on the Data and Methods core of the CFVP network, focusing on considering the analytic implications of the core’s activities, and providing data analysis support to the projects.

Affiliated Projects

University of Michigan |

Coordinating Center

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